I'm developing a workflow for satellite imagery processing with Python, using rasterio (1.3.6) and earthpy libraries.
The idea is to generate some raster algebra, make a composition (sabinsRatio
), and then export this composed raster as one file, where each band has one ratio.
I can see the output in the Python env, but when I try to see it in QGIS, it only displays a black square. I have looked at several questions from Stackoverflow and the documentation, but still couldn't figure it out.
#file path
multi_bands = glob.glob('.././GIS/landsat_8/LC08_L2SP_090079_20230225_20230301_02_T1/LC08_L2SP_090079_20230225_20230301_02_T1_SR_*B[2:3:4:5:6:7].tif')
img_list = []
#reading bands
for img in multi_bands:
with rio.open(img, 'r') as img_file:
#multiband array
arr_st = np.stack(img_list)
# visualize all bands
cmap = 'gist_earth')
#avoid numpy error of zero division
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
#perform band ratios
ironOxideR = arr_st[0]/arr_st[2]
ClayHyR = arr_st[4]/arr_st[5]
ferrousR = arr_st[4]/arr_st[3]
# Create the RGB composition
sabinsRatio = np.stack((ironOxideR, ClayHyR, ferrousR))
#sabinsRatio plot
figsize=(10, 10),
stretch = True,
title = 'RGB composition of Iron Oxide, Clay Hydration, and Ferrous')
#trying to export
#exporting sabinsRatio
# Update the metadata
out_meta = {"driver": "GTiff",
"height": sabinsRatio.shape[1],
"width": sabinsRatio.shape[2],
"crs": "EPSG:32756",
# Write the mosaic raster to disk
with rio.open('./output/sabinRation2.tif', "w", **out_meta) as dest:
dest.write(sabinsRatio, [1,2,3])
QGIS Visualization: if you see, there's a small red dot in the upper left corner of the black square. That's my area of interest.
How could I fix this?
I found the solution with the aid of a friend. In total, two changes were made:
for img in multi_bands:
with rio.open(os.path.join(path,img), 'r') as img_file:
out_meta = img_file.meta.copy()
# Update the metadata
out_meta.update({"driver": "GTiff",
"height": sabinsRatio.shape[1],
"width": sabinsRatio.shape[2],
it was possible to open on QGIS.