I have a Elastic Beanstalk application on AWS.
I want to use my on-premise server to share the load of my EC2 instance such that my on-premise server is the primary server and the EC2 instance(s) launched by Elastic LoadBalancer (ELB) are backups.
I have successfully created a client VPN endpoint (cvpn) with ip. When I add this ip to load balancer as Registered Target, Health Status says Request Timed Out. I notice that there is no route table entry to my CVPN ip's. In short, ELB cannot reach the subnet of my CVPN. The CVPN resource ID cannot be added in route table to provide access to the CVPN subnet.
Follow-up Following nickdoesstuff's comment, I successfully setup and connected a site-to-site VPN on AWS
After entering IP and choosing static routing, it no longer prompts me for a private CA cert.
I briefly experimented with Azure and here is a comparison with AWS
Azure Pros:
AWS Pros: 0. client gateway must have a static ip. if it changes you have to re-do the entire setup on AWS side, you cannot just edit the client gateway setting.
It is still miles better than Azure, which lets you do the hardwork of finding out the precise wording of dozens of parameters...
You cannot use ELB with CVPN
You can use them with Site-2-Site and Direct Connect
You do not necessarily need certificate-based authentication for S2S VPN. You could set it up with pre-shared keys, which alleviates the need for CA.
3.a. If using a cert-based authentication is non-negotiable you could use an on-premises CA (like CA running on Microsoft Domain Controller) to sign the certificates.
Hope this helps.