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why ading jpg in fpdf is giving me this error "FPDF error: Unsupported image type"

"I'm working on creating a PDF from Python. As a beginner, a lot of errors are occurring in my code. This is my code:

class PDF(FPDF):
    def __init__(self):
        self.header_text = ""
        self.footer_text = ""
        self.table_data = []
        self.table_header = []
        self.image_file = ""
        self.pdf_title = ""

    # Page header
    def header(self):
        if self.image_file:
            self.image(self.image_file, 80, 25, 50)
        if self.pdf_title:
            self.set_font('Arial', 'B', 15)
            self.cell(30, 10, self.pdf_title, 0, 0, 'C')
        if self.header_text:
            self.set_font('Arial', 'B', 12)
            self.cell(0, 10, self.header_text, 0, 0, 'C')

    # Add a table to the PDF
    def add_table(self, header, data):
        # Set the font and style for the table
        self.set_font('Arial', '', 10)
        # Calculate the width of each column and the height of each row
        col_width = self.w * 0.9 / len(header)
        row_height = self.font_size * 1.5
        # Add the table header
        for col_number, column_title in enumerate(header):
            self.cell(col_width, row_height, str(column_title), border=1)
        # Add the table data
        self.set_font('Arial', '', 10)

        for row in data:
            for item in row:
                self.cell(col_width, row_height, str(item), border=1)

    # Add text to the PDF
    def add_text(self):
        # Set the font and style for the text
        self.set_font('Arial', '', 12)
        # Add the text
        self.multi_cell(0, 10, self.header_text)

    # Add image to the PDF
    def add_image(self):
        # Add the image
        self.image(self.image_file, x=10, y=10, w=190)

    # Page footer
    def footer(self):
        if self.footer_text:
            # Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
            # Arial italic 8
            self.set_font('Arial', 'I', 8)
            # Page number
            self.cell(0, 10, self.footer_text + ' - Page ' + str(self.page_no()) + '/{nb}', 0, 0, 'C')

# Instantiation of inherited class
pdf = PDF()
# Printing lines on first page
pdf.set_font('Times', '', 10)

# Switch statement
while True:
    print("1. Add page header")
    print("2. Add page footer")
    print("3. Add table")
    print("4. Add text")
    print("5. Add image")
    print("6. Generate PDF and exit")
    choice = int(input("Enter your choice (1-6): "))
    if choice == 1:
        pdf.header_text = input("Enter the header text: ")
        pdf.image_file = input("Enter the name of the image file (including extension): ")
        pdf.pdf_title = input("Enter the title for the PDF: ")
    elif choice == 2:
        pdf.footer_text = input("Enter the footer text: ")
        pdf.footer_page_number = input("Enter the page number for the footer: ")
    elif choice == 3:
        # Get user input for number of rows and columns
        num_cols = int(input("Enter number of columns: "))
        # Create empty header and data lists
        header = []
        data = []
        # Accept table header from user
        header_str = input("Enter table header separated by commas: ")
        header = header_str.split(",")
        # Accept table data from user
        while True:
            row_str = input("Enter table row separated by commas (enter 'done' when finished): ")
            if row_str.lower() == "done":
                row = row_str.split(",")
        # Add the table to the PDF
        pdf.add_table(header, data)
    elif choice == 4:
        text = input("Enter the text: ")
    elif choice == 5:
        image_file = input("Enter the name of the image file (including extension): ")
    elif choice == 6:
        print("Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and 6.")
# Creating File
                                                                                                                                                                 **here is the error im facing** 

"Enter the name of the image file (including extension): image.jpg
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\SOFTWARE\PDF in Python\", line 242, in <module>        
  File "d:\SOFTWARE\PDF in Python\", line 183, in add_image
  File "C:\Users\aiena\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\fpdf\", line 150, in wrapper
    return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\aiena\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\fpdf\", line 990, in image
    self.error('Unsupported image type: '+type)
  File "C:\Users\aiena\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\fpdf\", line 227, in error
    raise RuntimeError('FPDF error: '+msg)
RuntimeError: FPDF error: Unsupported image type:" 

please help me solve this error to add pictures in pdf simply

i expect from code to add image with user unput in pdf


  • There are some basic issues with your code related to adding image file.

    1. The self.image_file is initialized to empty string and never assigned the value provided by the user. This is fixed in below code by passing it as an argument.

    2. The generate_pdf() is an unknown method you are calling which is commented out and the output method is sufficient to generate the PDF file.

    The below code is tested for generation of a PDF image with a PNG file.

    from fpdf import FPDF
    class PDF(FPDF):
        def __init__(self):
            self.header_text = ""
            self.footer_text = ""
            self.table_data = []
            self.table_header = []
            self.image_file = ""
            self.pdf_title = ""
        # Page header
        def header(self):
            if self.image_file:
                self.image(self.image_file, 80, 25, 50)
            if self.pdf_title:
                self.set_font('Arial', 'B', 15)
                self.cell(30, 10, self.pdf_title, 0, 0, 'C')
            if self.header_text:
                self.set_font('Arial', 'B', 12)
                self.cell(0, 10, self.header_text, 0, 0, 'C')
        # Add a table to the PDF
        def add_table(self, header, data):
            # Set the font and style for the table
            self.set_font('Arial', '', 10)
            # Calculate the width of each column and the height of each row
            col_width = self.w * 0.9 / len(header)
            row_height = self.font_size * 1.5
            # Add the table header
            for col_number, column_title in enumerate(header):
                self.cell(col_width, row_height, str(column_title), border=1)
            # Add the table data
            self.set_font('Arial', '', 10)
            for row in data:
                for item in row:
                    self.cell(col_width, row_height, str(item), border=1)
        # Add text to the PDF
        def add_text(self):
            # Set the font and style for the text
            self.set_font('Arial', '', 12)
            # Add the text
            self.multi_cell(0, 10, self.header_text)
        # Add image to the PDF
        def add_image(self, image_file):
            # Add the image
            self.image(self.image_file, x=10, y=10, w=190)
        # Page footer
        def footer(self):
            if self.footer_text:
                # Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
                # Arial italic 8
                self.set_font('Arial', 'I', 8)
                # Page number
                self.cell(0, 10, self.footer_text + ' - Page ' + str(self.page_no()) + '/{nb}', 0, 0, 'C')
    # Instantiation of inherited class
    pdf = PDF()
    # Printing lines on first page
    pdf.set_font('Times', '', 10)
    # Switch statement
    while True:
        print("1. Add page header")
        print("2. Add page footer")
        print("3. Add table")
        print("4. Add text")
        print("5. Add image")
        print("6. Generate PDF and exit")
        choice = int(input("Enter your choice (1-6): "))
        if choice == 1:
            pdf.header_text = input("Enter the header text: ")
            pdf.image_file = input("Enter the name of the image file (including extension): ")
            pdf.pdf_title = input("Enter the title for the PDF: ")
        elif choice == 2:
            pdf.footer_text = input("Enter the footer text: ")
            pdf.footer_page_number = input("Enter the page number for the footer: ")
        elif choice == 3:
            # Get user input for number of rows and columns
            num_cols = int(input("Enter number of columns: "))
            # Create empty header and data lists
            header = []
            data = []
            # Accept table header from user
            header_str = input("Enter table header separated by commas: ")
            header = header_str.split(",")
            # Accept table data from user
            while True:
                row_str = input("Enter table row separated by commas (enter 'done' when finished): ")
                if row_str.lower() == "done":
                    row = row_str.split(",")
            # Add the table to the PDF
            pdf.add_table(header, data)
        elif choice == 4:
            text = input("Enter the text: ")
        elif choice == 5:
            image_file = input("Enter the name of the image file (including extension): ")
        elif choice == 6:
            print("Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and 6.")
    # Creating File