To whom it may concern,
I have a query where I am looking for the number of active action items past SLA, the total active action items, and the percentage of active action items 30 days past their SLA. The issue that I would like to alleviate is that if the month/year does not have an active action item, then there is no row. I would like my query to have a default value of 0 for months with active action items, but I am unable to figure out how to do this. Below is the query:
| summarize by ActionItemId, Created_Date, Due_Date
| extend Thirty_Days_Past_Due_Date = datetime_diff('day', now(), Due_Date) > 30
| extend yy = datetime_part("Year", Created_Date)
| extend mm = datetime_part("Month", Created_Date)
| summarize ['Action Items Past SLA'] = countif(Thirty_Days_Past_Due_Date == true), Total=count() by month=bin(datetime_part("Month", Created_Date), 1), tostring(yy), mm
| extend Month = case(month==1,strcat('Jan/',yy),month==2,strcat('Feb/',yy),month==3, strcat('Mar/',yy),month==4,strcat('Apr/',yy),month==5,strcat('May/',yy),month==6,strcat('Jun/',yy),month==7, strcat('Jul/',yy),month==8,strcat('Aug/',yy),month==9,strcat('Sep/',yy),month==10,strcat('Oct/',yy),month==11,strcat('Nov/',yy),month==12,strcat('Dec/',yy),"error")
| order by yy asc, mm asc
| extend ['Percentage 30 Days Past SLA'] = ['Action Items Past SLA'] * 100 / Total
| project Month, ['Action Items Past SLA'], ['Total Active Action Items'] = Total, ['Percentage 30 Days Past SLA']
Input: ActionItemId (Integer) Created_Date (DateTime) Due_Date (DateTime)
Current Output:
Note how Dec/2018 is missing as there were no active action items for that month.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated!!
Figured it out, needed to switch out the summary
line for these two:
| make-series ['Action Items Past SLA'] = countif(Thirty_Days_Past_Due_Date == true), Total = count() default = 0 on Created_Date from datetime(ago(24m)) to now() step 30d
| project ['Percentage 30 Days Past SLA'] = series_divide(['Action Items Past SLA'], Total), Created_Date
Realized it would be better to keep the original idea though, as the time-series chart wasn't as helpful, and having blank rows actually allowed us to discern information faster.