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I can't get secret when I use Spring Cloud Config Server with Hashicorp Vault backend repository

First, I set the bootstrap.yml file of my Spring Cloud Config Server, then start it in my IDEA.

  • bootstrap.yml:
    name: config-server
        # this value set can refer to :
      - vault

          port: "8200"
          host: ""
          kv-version: 2

  port: 8071

then, I execute the following command (this command pulls the 1.13.2 version docker image of Vault):

 docker run --cap-add=IPC_LOCK  -d -p 8200:8200 --name vault -e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=myroot' -e 'VAULT_DEV_LISTEN_ADDRESS=' vault

next, I set my secret property in Vault Web UI by accessing following url:


I use myroot login, and enable a secret engine (kv) which version is 2, path is licensing-service .

Next, I set the path for this secret is default and the secret data is (key) 、Welcome to Vault (value).

After saving, I run the following command line:

curl -X "GET" "http://localhost:8071/licensing-service/default" -H "X-Config-Token: myroot"

But I can't get the secret property, only get the following response:


Who can tell why? The correct response should be this:

    "name": "vault:licensing-service",
    "source": {

        "": "Welcome to Vault"


I expect one person can tell me the reason,why I can not get the expected result?

first update:

I try another way again in this morning, I use the following cURL command, which got the correct response containing my property:

curl -X "GET" "http://localhost:8200/v1/licensing-service/data/default" -H "X-Vault-Token: myroot"

the response:

            "":"Welcome to Vault"

In this case, it seems like the problem is with Spring Cloud ?


  • These are the errors in the book(spring microservices in action,second edtion). The secret engine's name corresponds to the backend ( property, thus it must be configured in your bootstrap.yml file. Furthermore, the secret created under the licensing-service secret engine ought to be named licensing-service instead of default, given that it corresponds to the application's name rather than profiles(

    If you require the utilization of Hashicorp Vault as a backend repository for Spring Cloud Config Server within multiple environments (for instance, dev, stage, prod), please refer to the following:


    1. spring in action, fifth edtion.

    2. you can try, then when you use curl command, an error message will be displayed, and you will be able to locate a link similar to " The first instance of licensing-service in this link pertains to the secret engine's name, whereas the second instance of licensing-service corresponds to the application or service name.