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Pyrebase4 error cannot import name 'gaecontrib'

I have been trying to install pyrebase4 using pip install pyrebase4 but when ran it throws below error

"C:\Users\ChodDungaTujheMadhadchod\anaconda3\envs\sam_upgraded\lib\site-packages\requests_toolbelt\adapters\", line 42, in <module> from .._compat import gaecontrib ImportError: cannot import name 'gaecontrib' from 'requests_toolbelt._compat'

As I see the error direct directly to requests_toolbelt , but I cannot figure out the possible way to fix it, I tried upgrading to latest version as which is requests-toolbelt==1.0.0 . So is there any way to fix it.


  • Okay so what I found that the latest requests-toolbelt 1.0.1 is currently throwing this issue. So downgrading it to next previous version requests-toolbelt==0.10.1 fixes the issue.