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AutoMapper - How to add a custom IObjectMapper

I want to achieve something like described here

The idea is to unwrap a Wrapper<T>. Since mapping Wrapper<T> to T does not seem to be supported out of the box, one of the possible solutions would be registering a custom IObjectMapper. The problem is that the MapperRegistry is internal now So how can I achieve this? Do I have some better alternative?

Thank you


  • The easiest approach would be to just define conversion operators:

    public class MyGenericWrapper<T>
        public T Value {get; set;}
        public static explicit operator MyGenericWrapper<T>(T p) => new MyGenericWrapper<T>
            Value = p
        public static explicit operator T(MyGenericWrapper<T> p) => p.Value;

    But if you don't want to, then you can try something like the following:

    var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
        cfg.Internal().Mappers.Add(new SourceWrapperMapper());
        cfg.Internal().Mappers.Add(new DestinationWrapperMapper());
        cfg.CreateMap<Dto, Entity>();
        cfg.CreateMap<Entity, Dto>();
    var mapper = config.CreateMapper();
    var entity = mapper.Map<Entity>(new Dto
        SomeValue = new MyGenericWrapper<int>{Value = 42}
    var dto = mapper.Map<Dto>(entity);

    And sample mappers to get you started:

    public class SourceWrapperMapper : IObjectMapper
        public bool IsMatch(TypePair context) => IsWrappedValue(context.SourceType);
        public Expression MapExpression(IGlobalConfiguration configuration,
            ProfileMap profileMap,
            MemberMap memberMap,
            Expression sourceExpression,
            Expression destExpression) =>
            Expression.PropertyOrField(sourceExpression, nameof(MyGenericWrapper<int>.Value));
        private static bool IsWrappedValue(Type type)
            return type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(MyGenericWrapper<>);
    public class DestinationWrapperMapper : IObjectMapper
        public bool IsMatch(TypePair context) => IsWrappedValue(context.DestinationType);
        public Expression MapExpression(IGlobalConfiguration configuration,
            ProfileMap profileMap,
            MemberMap memberMap,
            Expression sourceExpression,
            Expression destExpression)
            var wrappedType = memberMap.DestinationType.GenericTypeArguments.First();
            return Expression.Call(Mi.MakeGenericMethod(wrappedType), configuration.MapExpression(profileMap,
                new TypePair(memberMap.SourceType, wrappedType),
        public static MyGenericWrapper<T> Wrap<T>(T p) => new MyGenericWrapper<T>
            Value = p
        private static MethodInfo Mi =
            typeof(DestinationWrapperMapper).GetMethod(nameof(Wrap), BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static bool IsWrappedValue(Type type)
            return type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(MyGenericWrapper<>);