I've been using AWS Elastic Beanstalk for about 2 years now. In the past, eb deploy
has taken more time as the project grew, but never more than 5-10 minutes.
With my latest project, I am using NextJS 13.0.3. When I use eb deploy --verbose
, the archive creation with system zip takes 30+ minutes.
My question is: is there a reason why the ZIP is so slow? I understand the archive upload to S3 is time-heavy, but when I zip the files with the zip
command or through the Mac Finder, it only takes 1 minute at most.
I am not including node_modules or any large images in the eb deploy
Here are the first few lines of eb deploy ---verbose
if it helps. Thanks in advance.
INFO: Deploying code to [ebs environment] in region us-east-2
INFO: Getting version label from git with git-describe
Creating application version archive "app-26c2-230321_101028812043".
INFO: Found .ebignore, using system zip.
INFO: Zipping up folder at location: [folder location]
INFO: +adding: .//
Update: This has now been fixed in the latest version (3.20.6) eb --version
You can update using pip install awsebcli --upgrade --user