Search code examples

Select item for first list<T> by comparing with another list<Y> using linq or lambda expression

In the below code, the result returns list of bool, whereas I am expecting it to be List of BState. This should satisfy the condition mentioned in the query.

How this can be achieved. Please can someone help here?

public class Client
public void Execute()
    var response = new DataResponse();

    var BStates = new List<BState>();
    var BState = new BState() { BId = 106, CurBState = new BState() { TerminalId = 0 } };
    BState = new BState() { BId = 107, CurBState = new BState() { TerminalId = 0 } };
    BState = new BState() { BId = 108, CurBState = new BState() { TerminalId = 0 } };
    BState = new BState() { BId = 109, CurBState = new BState() { TerminalId = 0 } };
    BState = new BState() { BId = 110, CurBState = new BState() { TerminalId = 0 } };
    response.CurBStates = BStates;
    var UResources = new List<UResource>();
    var UResource = new UResource() { Name = "U1", Type = RType.A, UReason = UReason.Unknown };
    UResource = new UResource() { Name = "U2", Type = RType.A, UReason = UReason.Unknown };
    UResource = new UResource() { Name = "101", Type = RType.B, UReason = UReason.Unknown };
    UResource = new UResource() { Name = "102", Type = RType.B, UReason = UReason.BCM };
    getBotAssignmentSnapshotResponse.UResources = UResources;

    var Result = response.CurBStates
                         .Select(c => response.UResources
                         .Any(u => u.Name != c.BotId.ToString()&& 
                                   c.CurBState.TerminalId == 0 &&
                                   u.Type == RType.B &&
                                   u.UReason != UReason.BCM));


  • It seems that you need SelectMany (Projects each element of a sequence to an IEnumerable<T> and flattens the resulting sequences into one sequence.) + Where combination (Any, as you can see returns bool):

    var Result = response.CurBStates
        .SelectMany(c => response.UResources
            .Where(u => u.Name != c.BotId.ToString()&& 
                      c.CurBState.TerminalId == 0 &&
                      u.Type == RType.B &&
                      u.UReason != UReason.BCM));


    Use collection initializers instead of "manually" calling Add:

    var BStates = new List<BState>
        new BState() { BId = 106, CurBState = new BState() { TerminalId = 0 } },
        new BState() { BId = 107, CurBState = new BState() { TerminalId = 0 } },
        // ...


    To get results exactly matching the foreach in the comments you ca do:

    var Result = response.CurBStates
        .SelectMany(c => response.UResources
            .Where(u => u.Name != c.BotId.ToString() &&
                        c.CurBState.TerminalId == 0 &&
                        u.Type == RType.B &&
                        u.UReason != UReason.BCM)
            .Select(_ => c));;

    If you don't need potential duplicates in the result then you need Where instead of Select in the original query:

    var Result = response.CurBStates
        .Where(c => response.UResources
            .Any(u => u.Name != c.BotId.ToString() &&
                        c.CurBState.TerminalId == 0 &&
                        u.Type == RType.B &&
                        u.UReason != UReason.BCM));