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Are Retrofit and Okhttp abandoned?

  • Retrofit Version 2.9.0 (2020-05-20)
  • Okhttp Version 4.10.0 (2022-06-12) Version 5.0.0-alpha.11 (2022-12-24)

Retrofit has 36 opened pull request and 147 opened bug, Okhttp 9 opened pull request and 161 opened bug.

I know that this question hurts, and that we all consider Retrofit and Okhttp like children, but i need to ask:

Are Retrofit and Okhttp abandoned?


  • OkHttp had a new 4.x release a couple weeks ago.

    A new 5.x alpha release is coming soon! We were hoping to ship 5.0 final before Google I/0 2023 but we missed that deadline. The new 5.0 alphas have some unstable APIs but the behaviour is pretty solid.