I need to label the columns and have them displayed in the original sequence.
Here is what I did :
df['Column'] = df['Column'].map({1: 'L5', 2:'L4', 3: 'L3', 4:'L2', 5:'L1', 6:'M12', 7:'M11', 8:'M10', 9:'M9', 10:'M8', 11:'M7', 12:'M6', 13:'M5', 14:'M4'})
df.boxplot(column=['Time'], by=['Column'])
However, the plot appears to be in no particular order
The plot appears in lexical order of the new column value. If you want the original order, you can force it with pd.Categorical
d = {1: 'L5', 2:'L4', 3: 'L3', 4:'L2', 5:'L1', 6:'M12', 7:'M11', 8:'M10', 9:'M9', 10:'M8', 11:'M7', 12:'M6', 13:'M5', 14:'M4'}
df['Column'] = pd.Categorical(df['Column'].map(d), ordered=True, categories=list(d.values()))
df.boxplot(column=['Time'], by=['Column'])
Or you can just relabel the ticks:
# no map
# df['Column'] = df['Column'].map(d)
# grab the axis returned by .boxplot
ax = df.boxplot(column=['Time'], by=['Column'])
# rename the tick labels, `d` as above
Either of them gives you: