The code I have mostly works but the data isn't in the desired format.
It produces
({"apples" {price 2}}
{"pears" {price 4}})
I'd like to be be grouped as one map
{"apples" {price 2}
"pears" {price 4}}
This is the code
(defn summarize-many-maps-with-keyname [ms]
(for [m ms]
{(first (keys m))
(summarize-one (first (vals m)))}))
Is there some way to tell for
to group them inside a single map? If not, what do you suggest?
How about merging the list of maps?
(apply merge {} ms)
or the same thing with reduce:
(reduce into {} ms)
Or, if you insist on using for
macro, you can just go through the list of maps and also each entry of each map and dump them into a new map:
(into {} (for [m ms
entry m]