I want to dodge a simple boxplot so I can see two different measures at once, which should be rather simple but I have been super stuck.
For each intensity of "strength" I want to plot two different boxes next to each other, one for the True Postives and one for the False Positives.
ggplot(data, aes(x = factor(strength))) +
geom_boxplot(aes(y = TP, fill = "TP"), position = position_dodge(width = 0.8)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(y = FP, fill = "FP"), position = position_dodge(width = 0.8)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("TP" = "blue", "FP" = "red")) +
labs(title = "Count",
x = "Strength", y = "Count")
I am probably overlooking something, but why is position_dodge() not doing its job?
And here is a small example of what my data looks like:
# trial strength FP TP
# 1 -3 5 6
# 1 2 6 7
# 1 1 2 1
# 2 -2 3 4
# 2 2 4 4
# 2 3 2 2
As already noted in the comments to make position_dodge
work you have to reshape your data to long or tidy format using e.g. tidyr::pivot_longer
Using some fake random example data:;
data <- data.frame(
strength = rep(c(-3:-1, 1:3), each = 10),
FP = sample(1:10, 60, replace = TRUE),
TP = sample(1:10, 60, replace = TRUE)
data |>
pivot_longer(c(FP, TP), names_to = "name", values_to = "value") |>
ggplot(aes(factor(strength), value, fill = name)) +
geom_boxplot(position = position_dodge(width = 0.8)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("TP" = "blue", "FP" = "red")) +
title = "Count",
x = "Strength", y = "Count"