I want to draw like my drawing(first photo) in the plantUML(second photo) but I can not align box top to bottom. How can I do that? My plant UML code:
digraph dfd{
scheduler[label="<f0> scheduler"];
store1 [label="<f0> firstTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store2 [label="<f0> secondTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store3 [label="<f0> firstTotalTime|<f0> D"];
store4 [label="<f0> secondTotalTime|<f1> D"];
store5 [label="<f0> firstTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store6 [label="<f0> secondTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store7 [label="<f0> firstTotalTime|<f1> D"];
store8 [label="<f0> secondTotalTime|<f1> D"];
store9 [label="<f0> firstTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store10 [label="<f0> secondTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store11 [label="<f0> firstTotalTime|<f1> D"];
store12 [label="<f0> secondTotalTime|<f1> D"];
proc1 [label="{<f0> 1|<f1> totalTimeRead\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord];
subgraph cluster_0 {
store1 [label="<f0> firstTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store2 [label="<f0> secondTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store3 [label="<f0> firstTotalTime|<f1> D"];
store4 [label="<f0> secondTotalTime|<f1> D"];
label = "process #1";
store1:f1 -> proc1:f0;
store2:f1 -> proc1:f0;
store3:f1 -> proc1:f0;
store4:f1 -> proc1:f0;
proc1:f1 -> store5:f0;
proc1:f1 -> store6:f0;
proc1:f1 -> store7:f0;
proc1:f1 -> store8:f0;
proc2 [label="{<f0> 2|<f1> updateTotalTime\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord];
store5:f1 -> proc2:f0;
store6:f1 -> proc2:f0;
store7:f1 -> proc2:f0;
store8:f1 -> proc2:f0;
proc2:f1 -> store9:f0;
proc2:f1 -> store10:f0;
proc2:f1 -> store11:f0;
proc2:f1 -> store12:f0;
https://ibb.co/b7Kqb0W (my drawing)
https://ibb.co/4dDW9Nq (plantUML photo)
I tried rankdir prompt for top to bottom align but I see this prompt change whole file. And I do not want to this.
A re-worked version of your input.
It could also have been done by replacing each cluster and contents with a single html-like node (https://graphviz.org/doc/info/shapes.html#html).
digraph dfd{
compound=true // allow edges to terminate at cluster
ranksep=.2 // bring nodes within clusters closer together
edge[style=invis] // invisible edges within clusters to determine ranking (rows)
subgraph cluster_0 {
store1 [label="<f0> firstTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store2 [label="<f0> secondTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store3 [label="<f0> firstTotalTime|<f1> D"];
store4 [label="<f0> secondTotalTime|<f1> D"];
store1->store2->store3->store4 // establish ranking
label = "process #1";
subgraph cluster_1 {
store5 [label="<f0> firstTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store6 [label="<f0> secondTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store7 [label="<f0> firstTotalTime|<f1> D"];
store8 [label="<f0> secondTotalTime|<f1> D"];
label = "process #2";
subgraph cluster_2 {
store9 [label="<f0> firstTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store10 [label="<f0> secondTotalTimeBlockAddress|<f1> D"];
store11 [label="<f0> firstTotalTime|<f1> D"];
store12 [label="<f0> secondTotalTime|<f1> D"];
label = "process #3";
scheduler[label="<f0> scheduler"];
proc1 [label="{<f0> 1|<f1> totalTimeRead\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord];
proc2 [label="{<f0> 2|<f1> updateTotalTime\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord];
// make edges visible & increase node-to-node spacing
edge[style=solid minlen=2]
scheduler->store1 [lhead=cluster_0]
store4->proc1 [ltail=cluster_0]
proc1->store5 [lhead=cluster_1]
store8->proc2 [ltail=cluster_1]
proc2->store9 [lhead=cluster_2]