I need to know how NA values are coded in tif files because I am working with a program that cannot use tifs that have NAs coded as 0.
However, when using the NAflag()
function in terra
, I always get NaN
as the output, even if I set NAflag()
Here's an example:
# Create a raster
test <- rast(x=matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0), nrow=3))
plot(test) # plotting shows 1s and 0s
# No NAflag set yet, returns NaN
# Set NAflag to 0
NAflag(test) <- 0
plot(test) # plotting shows 0s are now NA
# NAflag still returns NaN
Maybe I am misunderstanding how NAflag
works. Is there another way to learn what value is being used as the NA value in a tif?
You can find that with terra::describe
(a.k.a. GDALinfo)
f <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra")
v <- grep("NoData Value", describe(f), value=TRUE)
#[1] " NoData Value=-32768"
strsplit(v, "=")[[1]][2] |> as.numeric()
#[1] -32768
is used to set this value prior to reading values from a file. For a SpatRaster with cell values in memory, it is always NaN.
r <- rast(f)
NAflag(r) <- 255
#[1] 255
You are correct that it does not read the original NAflag (NoData Value).