I have a query that returns a record, and I need to access a field on this record.
I can use this with postgres (items.properties
is a jsonb
SELECT (p).key FROM items, jsonb_each(items.properties) p;
How can I make this query in sqlalchemy?
I have this so far:
properties_data = func.jsonb_each(ItemModel.properties).alias("p")
q = db.query(properties_data).select_from(ItemModel)
This produces the following, but I cannot find a way to access key
field on p
SELECT p.jsonb_each_1 AS p_jsonb_each_1
FROM stac.items, jsonb_each(stac.items.properties) AS p
I should mention I don't want to return values in python and access key
there. I'm going to use this query as a subquery in another query.
What you want is "table valued functions", it shows an example for json_each
which can be trivially modified for jsonb_each
Here is a self contained code snippet running in SQLAlchemy 2 that selects only the key
from the result.
The lines of interest are as follows, note that you have to pass joins_implicitly=True
to avoid a warning related to cartesian product as suggested by docs
properties_data = func.jsonb_each(ItemModel.properties).table_valued('key', joins_implicitly=True)
statement = select(properties_data.c.key).select_from(ItemModel)
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, select, func
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, DeclarativeBase, Session, mapped_column
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB
class Base(DeclarativeBase):
class ItemModel(Base):
__tablename__ = 'items'
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
properties: Mapped[dict[str, str]] = mapped_column(JSONB)
engine = create_engine('connection string')
with Session(engine) as session:
session.add(ItemModel(properties={'foo': '1', 'bar': '2'}))
session.add(ItemModel(properties={'bax': '3', 'qux': '4'}))
with Session(engine) as session:
properties_data = func.jsonb_each(ItemModel.properties).table_valued('key', joins_implicitly=True)
statement = select(properties_data.c.key).select_from(ItemModel)
for i in session.scalars(statement):