I am newbee to terraform and trying to add multiple options into db_option_group dynamically. Using the dynamic block, I can loop thru each option name but that would add the same settings that I would mention in the content section for each option_name.
How would I map one option_name with it's particular option_setting dynamically?
For ex. I am trying to add below options to the option group using variables and not hard code into the module code,
# Creating DB Option Group
resource "aws_db_option_group" "db-opt-grp" {
name = var.db_option_group_name
option_group_description = "DB Option Group managed by Terraform"
engine_name = var.db_server_engine_type
major_engine_version = var.db_major_engine_version
option {
option_name = "Timezone"
option_settings {
name = "TIME_ZONE"
value = "Europe/Berlin"
option {
option_name = "SSL"
vpc_security_group_memberships = [aws_security_group.db-sg.id]
option_settings {
name = "FIPS.SSLFIPS_140"
value = "FALSE"
option_settings {
option_settings {
value = "1.2"
Do I need to pass in the option_name & it's settings together in a variable of type map(object)? I am bit lost here. Can someone help and throw some light?
Does it require a nested Dynamic block inside a dynamic block? If yes, can someone to explain it's implementation and variable declaration?
I tried to loop thru each option_name but the problem is the content sections remains static for each option which is I don't want.
I am expecting, each option should pick it's own setting that I will pass into another variable or something. And this is where I am exactly lost on how to achieve that.
Use a local block
locals {
timezone_option = {
option_name = "Timezone"
option_settings {
name = "TIME_ZONE"
value = "Europe/Berlin"
You can now use
option {
in your Terraform configuration to reference this local value anywhere in the code.