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AWS SDK v3 - How to get stack.Tags

I'm using the AWS JavaScript SDK v3 CloudFormation client to get a list of stacks.

Now I want to get any tags associated with each stack. But I see no way to do it!

Tried looking through docs... expecting something like what they have for aws-sdk/client-mgn

import { MgnClient, ListTagsForResourceCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-mgn"; // ES Modules import
// const { MgnClient, ListTagsForResourceCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-mgn"); // CommonJS import
const client = new MgnClient(config);
const input = { // ListTagsForResourceRequest
  resourceArn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
const command = new ListTagsForResourceCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // ListTagsForResourceResponse
//   tags: { // TagsMap
//     "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
//   },
// };


  • You can send a DescribeStacksCommand for the given stack.

    The DescribeStacksOutput response contains an array of Stack objects, each of which contains an array of Tag objects. For example:

    const command = new DescribeStacksCommand(input);
    const response = await client.send(command);

    The DescribeStacksOutput response object will look like this:

      Stacks: [
          StackId: "STRING_VALUE",
          StackName: "STRING_VALUE",
          Description: "STRING_VALUE",
          Tags: [
              Key: "STRING_VALUE",
              Value: "STRING_VALUE",
      NextToken: "STRING_VALUE",