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How $this->authorize() understand which policy should be called in laravel?

I have a few policies like CoursePolicy, PostPolicy, CommentPolicy is defined in Laravel policy folder.

As well as I registered all the policies under the policy array in the boot method of AuthServiceProviderClass.

But how does Laravel knows which policy class's method(in this case view method) should be called when writing in controller class!?

$this->authorize( 'view', Course::findOrFail( $course ) );


  • When doing policies, for each model you do a corresponding policy to authorize user actions (these actions are related to viewing, creating, updating, and deleting the resource).

    When registering policies you inform Laravel which policy to use when authorizing actions against a given model type.

    If you used the --model option (ex: php artisan make:policy CoursePolicy --model=Course) when generating your policy via the Artisan console, it will already contain methods for the viewAny, view, create, update, delete, restore, and forceDelete actions.

    You are using the Controller Helpers $this->authorize(), so you need to write the name of the action on the correct method, and will return a exception with 403 if it fails.

    This is the map for controller method<->policy method so you don't name other policy on different method.

    Controller Method Policy Method
    index viewAny
    show view
    store create
    create create
    edit update
    update update
    destroy delete