I am new to Angular and I got some errors due to the NgRx strictActionImmutability/strictStateImmutability checks, which are set to true by default.
I read some documentation, and to my understanding they verify the store's actions/states mutability.
Therefore, as suggested online, I edited my reducers by assigning the state cloned objects and also by dispatching clones to stores. Nevertheless, I still get errors ("cannot extend property X of object..") that disappear when I set the two checks to false.
I've also edited the selectors I made, in order to pass copied items, but I guess I'm missing something.
Could someone please list all the changes I need to implement to be compliant with the strictActionImmutability/strictStateImmutability?
Thanks a lot!
Update: I discovered some modifications left inside my reducers:
on(TreeActions.UpdateActiveItem, (state, {item}) => ({
\some operations/
return {
treeItem: [...newItem]
By removing the calculations and the return sintax everything works fine.