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AudioRecord: Record in float[] then convert to byte[] Xamarin

Currently I have made my own NAudio audio record driver for android which works fine for PCM 16 bit audio at any BufferMilliseconds however as soon as I record in PCM Float which requires me to record into a float[] then convert to byte[] before invoking the DataAvailable event the audio is smooth and decent at 20ms BufferMilliseconds but if I increase to say 40ms or 50ms the audio becomes very choppy. I have also been looking around for quite some time, but none seem to reference or provide some resolution to the issue I am facing here.

This is how I am recording into the float and converting it.

else if (WaveFormat.Encoding == WaveFormatEncoding.IeeeFloat)
   float[] floatBuffer = new float[bufferSize / 4];
   byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
   var floatsRead = audioRecord.Read(floatBuffer, 0, floatBuffer.Length, 1);
   Buffer.BlockCopy(floatBuffer, 0, byteBuffer, 0, byteBuffer.Length);
   if (floatsRead > 0)
      DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new WaveInEventArgs(byteBuffer, bufferSize));

Originally was using a WaveBuffer that you can see I am using below in the RecordingLogic() method but that also resulted in the same issue.

This is the entire script I have.

using Android.Media;
using NAudio.CoreAudioApi;
using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace NAudio.Wave
    public class AudioRecorder : IWaveIn
        #region Private Fields
        private AudioRecord audioRecord;
        private SynchronizationContext synchronizationContext;
        private CaptureState captureState;
        private bool disposed;

        #region Public Fields
        public WaveFormat WaveFormat { get; set; }
        public int BufferMilliseconds { get; set; }
        public AudioSource audioSource { get; set; }

        public event EventHandler<WaveInEventArgs> DataAvailable;
        public event EventHandler<StoppedEventArgs> RecordingStopped;

        #region Constructor
        public AudioRecorder()
            audioRecord = null;
            synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
            WaveFormat = new WaveFormat(8000, 16, 1);
            BufferMilliseconds = 100;
            captureState = CaptureState.Stopped;
            disposed = false;
            audioSource = AudioSource.Mic;


        #region Private Methods
        private void OpenRecorder()
            //We want to make sure the recorder is definitely closed.
            Encoding encoding;
            ChannelIn channelMask;

            //Set the encoding
            if (WaveFormat.Encoding == WaveFormatEncoding.Pcm || WaveFormat.Encoding == WaveFormatEncoding.IeeeFloat)
                encoding = WaveFormat.BitsPerSample switch
                    8 => Encoding.Pcm8bit,
                    16 => Encoding.Pcm16bit,
                    32 => Encoding.PcmFloat,
                    _ => throw new ArgumentException("Input wave provider must be 8-bit, 16-bit or 32bit", nameof(WaveFormat))
                throw new ArgumentException("Input wave provider must be PCM or IEEE Float", nameof(WaveFormat));

            //Set the channel type. Only accepts Mono or Stereo
            channelMask = WaveFormat.Channels switch
                1 => ChannelIn.Mono,
                2 => ChannelIn.Stereo,
                _ => throw new ArgumentException("Input wave provider must be mono or stereo", nameof(WaveFormat))

            //Determine the buffer size
            int minBufferSize = AudioRecord.GetMinBufferSize(WaveFormat.SampleRate, channelMask, encoding);
            int bufferSize = WaveFormat.ConvertLatencyToByteSize(BufferMilliseconds);
            if (bufferSize < minBufferSize)
                bufferSize = minBufferSize;

            //Create the AudioRecord Object.
            audioRecord = new AudioRecord(audioSource, WaveFormat.SampleRate, channelMask, encoding, bufferSize);

        private void CloseRecorder()
            //Make sure that the recorder was opened
            if (audioRecord != null)
                //Make sure that the recorder is stopped.
                if (audioRecord.RecordingState != RecordState.Stopped)

                //Release and dispose of everything.
                audioRecord = null;

        private void RecordThread()
            Exception exception = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                exception = ex;
                captureState = CaptureState.Stopped;

        private void RecordingLogic()
            //Initialize the wave buffer
            int bufferSize = BufferMilliseconds * WaveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond / 1000;
            if (bufferSize % WaveFormat.BlockAlign != 0)
                bufferSize -= bufferSize % WaveFormat.BlockAlign;

            WaveBuffer waveBuffer = new WaveBuffer(bufferSize);
            captureState = CaptureState.Capturing;

            //Run the record loop
            while (captureState != CaptureState.Stopped)
                if (captureState != CaptureState.Capturing)

                if (WaveFormat.Encoding == WaveFormatEncoding.Pcm)
                    var bytesRead = audioRecord.Read(waveBuffer.ByteBuffer, 0, bufferSize);
                    if (bytesRead > 0)
                        DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new WaveInEventArgs(waveBuffer.ByteBuffer, bytesRead));
                else if (WaveFormat.Encoding == WaveFormatEncoding.IeeeFloat)
                        float[] floatBuffer = new float[bufferSize / 4];
                        byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                        var floatsRead = audioRecord.Read(floatBuffer, 0, floatBuffer.Length, 1);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(floatBuffer, 0, byteBuffer, 0, byteBuffer.Length);
                        if (floatsRead > 0)
                            DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new WaveInEventArgs(byteBuffer, bufferSize));
                    catch(Exception ex)

        private void RaiseRecordingStoppedEvent(Exception e)
            var handler = RecordingStopped;
            if (handler != null)
                if (synchronizationContext == null)
                    handler(this, new StoppedEventArgs(e));
                    synchronizationContext.Post(state => handler(this, new StoppedEventArgs(e)), null);

        private void ThrowIfDisposed()
            if (disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().FullName);

        #region Public Methods
        public void StartRecording()
            //Check if we haven't disposed.
            //Check if we are already recording.
            if (captureState == CaptureState.Capturing)

            //Make sure that we have some format to use.
            if (WaveFormat == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(WaveFormat));

            //Starting capture procedure
            captureState = CaptureState.Starting;
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((state) => RecordThread(), null);

        public void StopRecording()

            //Check if it has already been stopped
            if (captureState != CaptureState.Stopped)
                captureState = CaptureState.Stopped;

        public void Dispose()

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            //Clean up any managed and unmanaged resources
            if (!disposed)
                if (disposing)
                    if (captureState != CaptureState.Stopped)
                disposed = true;


  • I was able to figure out the issue. The issue was I was setting the wrong bufferSizeInBytes variable when creating the AudioRecord object. All I had to do was change this.

    //Determine the buffer size
    int minBufferSize = AudioRecord.GetMinBufferSize(WaveFormat.SampleRate, channelMask, encoding);
    int bufferSize = WaveFormat.ConvertLatencyToByteSize(BufferMilliseconds);
    if (bufferSize < minBufferSize)
       bufferSize = minBufferSize;
    //Create the AudioRecord Object.
    audioRecord = new AudioRecord(audioSource, WaveFormat.SampleRate, channelMask, encoding, bufferSize);

    To This

    //Determine the buffer size
    int minBufferSize = AudioRecord.GetMinBufferSize(WaveFormat.SampleRate, channelMask, encoding);
    int bufferSize = WaveFormat.ConvertLatencyToByteSize(BufferMilliseconds);
    if (WaveFormat.Encoding == WaveFormatEncoding.IeeeFloat) bufferSize = bufferSize / 4;
    if (bufferSize < minBufferSize)
       bufferSize = minBufferSize;
    //Create the AudioRecord Object.
    audioRecord = new AudioRecord(audioSource, WaveFormat.SampleRate, channelMask, encoding, bufferSize);

    I wasn't calculating the correct amount of float[] length for the sample size defined in BufferMilliseconds as it is asking for how big the float[] length should be instead of byte[] length which is 4x the size of the length of float[]. Audio now sounds smooth with whatever BufferMilliseconds I set it to.


    I also changed DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new WaveInEventArgs(byteBuffer, bufferSize));

    To DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new WaveInEventArgs(byteBuffer, floatsRead * 4));

    So I could properly return exactly how many bytes were read.