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Typescript interface extends same interface multiple times

I have the following situation: I have type with the following definition:

type A<year extends number> = `a${year}`

And I want to have an interface or a type such that, it has a variable amount of A<year> as keys as required properties and some other properties. For example:

interface AStatistics<years extends number[]>
extends Record<A<year0> & A<year1> ..., number>
& {
    aCommonProp: string

How can this be achieved?


  • I don't know if you can achieve it with interface, but you can use indexed access types like this:

    type A<year extends number> = `a${year}`;
    type AStatistics<TYears extends number[]> = { [K in A<TYears[number]>]: number } & { aCommonProp: string };
    const stats: AStatistics<[1990, 1991, 2002]> = {
        a1990: 1,
        a1991: 2,
        a2002: 123,
        aCommonProp: "some prop"

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