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Error using offset argument in an intercept only model in lrm function R, from rms package

I cannot fit an intercept only model with an offset term using the lrm function from rms. The equivalent model can be fit with glm. I cannot find anything about this on the internet. Reproducible example below. Any help appreciated!

### Generate data

## Load rms

## Set seed

## Generate event probabilities
p.true <- runif(1000, 0.2 , 0.8)

## Generate binary outcome
state1.bin <- rbinom(1000, 1, p.true)

## Crete dataset with outcome, and the logit of the event probabilities
data.raw.temp <- data.frame("state1.bin" = state1.bin, "p.true.logit1" = log(p.true/(1-p.true)))

### Fit an intercept only model, using the logit of the event probabilities as an offset

## GLM attempt 1
glm(state1.bin ~ offset(p.true.logit1), data = data.raw.temp, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
## lrm attempt 1
lrm(state1.bin ~ offset(p.true.logit1), data = data.raw.temp)
## lrm attempt 2
lrm(state1.bin ~ 1, offset = p.true.logit1, data = data.raw.temp)

GLM attempt 1 sucessfully fits the desired model

Call:  glm(formula = state1.bin ~ offset(p.true.logit1), family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
    data = data.raw.temp)


Degrees of Freedom: 999 Total (i.e. Null);  999 Residual
Null Deviance:      1270 
Residual Deviance: 1270     AIC: 1272

lrm attempt 1 gives the following error

Error in lrm(state1.bin ~ offset(p.true.logit1), data = data.raw.temp) : 
  object 'nact' not found

lrm attempt 2 gives the following error

Error in fitter(X, Y, offset = offs, penalty.matrix = penalty.matrix,  : 
  formal argument "offset" matched by multiple actual arguments


  • I don't know how to do it using lrm, but you can use

    with(data.raw.temp, = state1.bin, offset = p.true.logit1))