I am trying to get the UIDs of calendars (MacOS calendar app) so I can push events to specific calendars (I have multiple calendars with the same name).
I've tried this code
tell application "Calendar"
set calendarList to {}
repeat with aCalendar in calendars
set end of calendarList to {uid of aCalendar, name of aCalendar}
end repeat
return calendarList
end tell
It errors out unless I remove uid of aCalendar
As far as I know, the uid property of calendars in the Calendars.app has not been available for scripting for a long time. Until Apple fixes the bug, I use the following script, which is based on parsing error message in a 2-level try block.
First I try to get the uid in the normal way. This usually doesn't work, and I force the calendar-to-text coercion to throw the error and get the error message. From this error message it is easy to parse the uid, which is done.
on identifyCalendars()
set ATID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"Can’t make «class wres» id \"", "\" of application \"Calendar\" into type text."}
tell application "Calendar"
set calendarList to {}
repeat with aCalendar in calendars
set end of calendarList to {uid of aCalendar, name of aCalendar}
on error number -10000 -- error "AppleEvent handler failed"
aCalendar as text
on error errorMessage
set theID to text item 2 of errorMessage
set end of calendarList to {theID, name of aCalendar}
end try
end try
end repeat
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ATID
return calendarList
end identifyCalendars
It was a plain (vanilla) AppleScript solution.
For those who prefer plain AppleScript over the alternative solution, I note that the AsObjC solution (already suggested by another user) is faster (after bootstrapping), by about 10 times. Also in the AsObjC solution, it is easy to get the desired result in the form of the record {name:uid, name:uid,..}.
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "EventKit"
use scripting additions
on identifyCalendars()
set eventStore to current application's EKEventStore's alloc()'s init()
set allCalendars to eventStore's calendarsForEntityType:(current application's EKEntityTypeEvent)
set calendarNames to allCalendars's valueForKey:"title"
set calendarUIDs to allCalendars's valueForKey:"calendarIdentifier"
return (current application's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjects:calendarUIDs forKeys:calendarNames) as record
end identifyCalendars