So here’s the code that I’m using to retrieve the second timeframes values:
secHighArr = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, “1S”, high)
aTable =,2,2)
table.cell(aTable, 1,1, str.tostring(secHighArr))
If I’m on a 5 minute timeframe this is obviously returning all the second values in the 5 minute period, is it possible to only retrieve the latest/last secHighArr value instead of all of them?
returns an array. You cannot get only one value out of this call.
request.security_lower_tf(symbol, timeframe, expression, ignore_invalid_symbol, currency) → array<type>
However, since it is an array, you can get the last value of that array with:
len = secHighArr.size()
float last_val = (len > 0) ? array.get(secHighArr, len - 1) : na