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ASP.NET Core 6 : cannot resolve symbol 'Ok'

I have some issues with ASP.NET Core 6.

I have a method in a controller:

[ HttpPost( "create" ) ]
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateAccountAsync()
    return Ok( new ApiResponse<object>
        IsSuccess = true

enter image description here

I was doing it in .NET Framework and it works fine.

This is also full controller code:

using System.Net.Mime;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using MobileTrackerWebApi.ApiHandlers;
using MobileTrackerWebApi.Database;
using MobileTrackerWebApi.System;

namespace MobileTrackerWebApi.Controllers;

public class AccountController
    private static ApiDbContext _dbContext;
    private static EnvReader    _reader;
    public AccountController( EnvReader envReader, ApiDbContext  dbContext)
        Guard.NotNull(dbContext, ErrorCode.DbContextIsNull);

        _reader = envReader;
        _dbContext = dbContext;

    [ HttpPost( "create" ) ]
    public async Task<IActionResult> CreateAccountAsync()
        return Ok( new ApiResponse<object>
            IsSuccess = true

I also notified that OkObjectResult not working too.

.csproj config



  • Your controller must inherit from ControllerBase. Ok is a method of ControllerBase :