I made a function to test my telegram bot, it sends a request message to the chat bot to change some value in the database for this user. The problem is that all the code is played before the code of the function "first_handler" with the decorator (due to which the "print (flag)" writes "false" ). Even if the reply message from the bot appears before the execution of the code reaches "print", then the function with the decorator does not trigger before the "print". Due to the same problem, I have to use "client.run_until_disconnected()" because without it, the bot's message handler doesn't work at all, and because of this method, I have to stop the program execution manually, since I don't need to disconnect the client. My scuffed code:
from telethon import TelegramClient, events, sync
import conf_tests as ct
import time
client = TelegramClient('TestClient', ct.api_id, ct.api_hash, system_version = ct.sys_ver)
def test_first():
flag = False
async def fist_handler(event):
global flag, f2
if (event.sender_id == ct.bot_id) and ('Enter new value' in event.raw_text):
global f1
f1 = True
await client.send_message(ct.bot_name, 'Value')
if (event.sender_id == ct.bot_id) and ('Value successfully changed!' in event.raw_text):
f2 = True
if f1 and f2:
flag = True
client.send_message(ct.bot_name, ct.change_group_btn)
print (flag)
Tried to use this, but nothing has changed, but it shouldn't i guess, because in fact I just call the function, just in a different place.
with client:
And, to be honest, I don’t remember in what form I added these lines, cos now, it seems, they will not work due to asynchrony.
I think the main issue is that the test_first
function should be asynchronous. The following code should help you fix your issues.
from telethon import TelegramClient, events
import conf_tests as ct
import asyncio # Recommended to be used by the telethon package
client = TelegramClient('TestClient', ct.api_id, ct.api_hash, system_version=ct.sys_ver)
async def test_first():
flag = False
f1 = False
f2 = False
async def first_handler(event):
nonlocal flag, f1, f2 # lets you use the flag, f1, and f2 variables that were defined earlier but doesnt make them global
if event.sender_id == ct.bot_id:
if 'Enter new value' in event.raw_text:
f1 = True
await client.send_message(ct.bot_name, 'Value')
elif 'Value successfully changed!' in event.raw_text:
f2 = True
if f1 and f2:
flag = True
async with client: # properly connect and disconnect the client
await client.send_message(ct.bot_name, ct.change_group_btn)
await client.run_until_disconnected()
asyncio.run(test_first()) # Creates a new asyncio event loop asynchronously running "test_first"
As you can see, it uses the asyncio
package that is recommended in the Telethon Documentation. It sets the flag
, f1
, and f2
variables as nonlocal so they can be used outside the first_handler
function. It also makes the test_first
function async and awaits on the client.
I left comments in the code explaining what some of the changes are for. Let me know if this was helpful or not in the comments. You can also check out the documentation using the link above if you have not done so already.