I'm trying to create a hexagonal grid from a biome boundaries (cerrado, but it could be able to apply to any other political boundaries). In sf documentation I saw that it is possible to do it with the st_make_grid function, but does not clear how the size cell are defined. I would like to make a hexagonal grid with 25km2 size cell.
I've tried to use this function:
grid = sf::st_make_grid(x= shpCerrado, cellsize = 0.4, square = FALSE)
I used the size 0.4 because a friend compared in QGis and told that this size had a 25m side. But we dont have sure about the total area of the cell (which we would like that was 25km2).
I tried to find some package docs or another tutorial that explained how to define the cell area of a hexagonal grid, but I couldn't. Does anyone know how this calculation could be done? Or is there another way to make this grid in R?
You can derive the target cell size from the generic formula for area of hexagon; with a little algebra you will arrive at sqrt(2*cell_area/sqrt(3))
Or consider this piece of code; it covers county Ashe from the well known nc.shp
that ships with {sf}
in a 25 km² grid.
nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf")) %>%
slice(1) %>% # coiunty Ashe only
st_geometry() %>% # no need for data anymore
st_transform(3857) # transform to a metric CRS
cell_area <- units::as_units(25, "km^2") # target grid size
grid_spacing <- sqrt(2*cell_area/sqrt(3)) # size of hexagon calculated from area
grid <- nc %>%
st_make_grid(square = F, cellsize = grid_spacing) # make the grid
plot(nc, col = "red")
plot(grid, add = T)