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How to use value/key of an input in pysimplegui to make calculations

I've been trying to use my input from a text to make some calculations with it, save it as another variable and then print it. Here is the code:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

def fixedDepositCalc1():
    layout = [
        [sg.Text("What is your principle amount?:")],
        [sg.Text("What is your interest rate for your deposit? Please give your answer in a percent form:")],
        [sg.Text("What is the tenure for your fixed deposit?:")],

    window4 = sg.Window("Fixed Deposit Calculator - Financial Manager").Layout(layout)
    event, values =

    if event == "Ok":
        I_MONEY = float(values('-PRINCIPLE-')) * float((values('-RATE-')/100)) * float(values('TIME'))
        P_MONEY = float(values('-PRINCPLE-')) + I_MONEY
        global principle
        principle = float(values='-PRINCIPLE-')


    layout2 = [
        [sg.T(f"Your principle amount is{principle}")]

    window5 = sg.Window("Fixed Deposit Calculator - Financial Manager").Layout(layout2)
    event, values =

And here are the errors that pop-up

File "c:\Users\Kashyap\Desktop\pysimplegui\", line 19, in fixedDepositCalc1
    I_MONEY = float(values('-PRINCIPLE-')) * float((values('-RATE-')/100)) * float(values('TIME'))
TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable

I tried to save the values variable as another variable so that I can be able to work with it.


  • values is dict type, so you should use [xxx] to get the value, and then there are some small problems in your code, I corrected it for you, you can try it

    import PySimpleGUI as sg
    def fixedDepositCalc1():
        layout = [
            [sg.Text("What is your principle amount?:")],
                    "What is your interest rate for your deposit? Please give your answer in a percent form:"
            [sg.Text("What is the tenure for your fixed deposit?:")],
        window4 = sg.Window("Fixed Deposit Calculator - Financial Manager").Layout(layout)
        event, values =
        if event == "Ok":
            I_MONEY = (
                * (float(values["-RATE-"]) / 100)
                * float(values["-TIME-"])
            P_MONEY = float(values["-PRINCIPLE-"]) + I_MONEY
            global principle
            principle = float(values["-PRINCIPLE-"])
        layout2 = [[sg.T(f"Your principle amount is{principle}")]]
        window5 = sg.Window("Fixed Deposit Calculator - Financial Manager").Layout(layout2)
        event, values =