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Nextflow process only working with first tuple element

I am currently developing a small Nextflow (v. pipeline for running vcfancestralalleles.jar in several files. To do so, I decided to use a tuple. However, when I run the process it is only executed in the first element of the tuple.

Here is my channel definition:

        .map{ row -> [ row.chromosome, file(row.path_vcf), file(row.path_genetic_map), file(row.path_ancestral), file(row.path_manifest)] }

Here is my DSL2 process definition:

publishDir "${results_dir}/ancestral_annotation", mode:"copy"

    tuple val(chromosome), path(path_vcf), path(path_genetic_map), path(path_ancestral), path(path_manifest)
    file java_script

    tuple val(chromosome), path("chr${chromosome}_aa.vcf")

    samtools faidx ${path_ancestral}

    java -jar ${java_script} \
    -m ${path_manifest} \
    ${path_vcf} |\
    bcftools annotate -x '^INFO/AA' > chr${chromosome}_aa.vcf

**Here is my workflow definition: **

workflow {
    p1 = vcf_ancestral_annotation(samples_ihs, java_script)

** And here is my input_ihs file:**


At the beginning I thought it was a problem with the input_ihs file. However, If I run:


I can see that the tuple actually contains the two elements of the input_ihs file:

[21, /mnt/c/Users/fernanda_miron1/Documents/pop_north_developing/nf-selection/test/data/ihs_files/21.phased.with.ref.vcf, /mnt/c/Users/fernanda_miron1/Documents/pop_north_developing/nf-selection/test/data/ihs_files/, /mnt/c/Users/fernanda_miron1/Documents/pop_north_developing/nf-selection/nf_modules/ancestral_fasta/ANCESTOR_for_chromosome_GRCh38_21_1_46709983_1.fa, /mnt/c/Users/fernanda_miron1/Documents/pop_north_developing/nf-selection/nf_modules/manifest_annotation/manifest21]
[22, /mnt/c/Users/fernanda_miron1/Documents/pop_north_developing/nf-selection/test/data/ihs_files/22.phased.with.ref.vcf, /mnt/c/Users/fernanda_miron1/Documents/pop_north_developing/nf-selection/test/data/ihs_files/, /mnt/c/Users/fernanda_miron1/Documents/pop_north_developing/nf-selection/nf_modules/ancestral_fasta/ANCESTOR_for_chromosome_GRCh38_22_1_50818468_1.fa, /mnt/c/Users/fernanda_miron1/Documents/pop_north_developing/nf-selection/nf_modules/manifest_annotation/manifest22]

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • Issues like this almost always involve the use of multiple input channels:

    When two or more channels are declared as process inputs, the process waits until there is a complete input configuration, i.e. until it receives a value from each input channel. When this condition is satisfied, the process consumes a value from each channel and launches a new task, repeating this logic until one or more channels are empty.

    You've probably used a factory method to create your java_script channel, but I think you just need to make sure it is a value channel. Note that a value channel is implicitly created by a process when it's invoked with a simple value. You could instead try the following for example:

    params.java_script = '/path/to/vcfancestralalleles.jar'
    workflow {
        java_script = file( params.java_script )
            .fromPath( params.input_ihs )
            .splitCsv( header:true )
            .map { row ->
                [ row.chromosome, file(row.path_vcf), file(row.path_genetic_map), file(row.path_ancestral), file(row.path_manifest)]
            .set { samples_ihs }
        p1 = vcf_ancestral_annotation(samples_ihs, java_script)