I am currently using vercel as my api with python serverless functions. I have serveral functions defined.
An example file could look something like...
import pymongo
from flask import Flask, jsonify
MONGO_URL = os.environ["MONGO_URL"]
CLIENT = pymongo.MongoClient(MONGO_URL)
DB = pymongo.database.Database(CLIENT, os.environ.get("DB") or "test")
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route("/api/sample_route", methods=["GET"])
def sample_route(path=""):
COLLECTION = DB.sample_collection
if request.method == "GET":
query = {}
data = list(COLLECTION.find(query, {"_id": 0}))
return jsonify(data)
However I notice that I quickly hit the 500 connection pool working on the site on my local dev without any users. I believe there is no connection pooling going on and that they are not adequately getting closed. Any idea why?
There can be better ways to do this, but in my experience I have seen people define functions that return a db client object which is further used in functions doing CRUD operations
def get_db_client(host=MONGO_URL, port=27017):
client = MongoClient(host=host
return client
An example of a flask function performing CRUD would look like:
def get_orders():
client = None
client = get_db_client()
db = client["orders_database"]
order_id = int(request.args.get('order_id'))
cursor = db.orders_tb.find({"order_id": order_id})
# Some exception handling
if type(client)==MongoClient:
return jsonify({"result": list(cursor)})
The main motivation is to close a connection every time you are done with it. You can find better design patterns than the try-except-finally I have shown here, but it is essential to close connections.