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How to build query parameters for api gateway from input path step function?

I am trying to build step function that invokes my api gateway proxy. I am unable to pass input to query parameters. What is the correct syntax and can it be done?

I've tried "$.zzId" but it does not replace it with the input value.

        "Branches": [
          "StartAt": "Get Content",
          "States": {
            "Get Content": {
              "Type": "Task",
              "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::apigateway:invoke",
              "Parameters": {
                "ApiEndpoint": "",
                "Method": "GET",
                "Headers": {},
                "Path": "/bmx/content",
                "zzId" : "$.zzId" // <-- this resolves it with correct value but fails to execute step function because it is invalid attribute, but at least I know that it is correct path
                "QueryParameters": {
                  "zzId": [
                    "$.zzId" // <-- this does not do anything 
                "RequestBody": {},
                "AuthType": "NO_AUTH"
              "TimeoutSeconds": 3,
              "End": true


  • Put a .$ suffix on keys you want to Step Functions to substitute the values. Substitutions expect a string value, so use the States.Array intrinsic function to wrap the value in an array.


    "QueryParameters": {
        "zzId.$": "States.Array($.zzId)"

    WHEN the input is {"zzId": "Hello world"}

    THEN the output is:

    "QueryParameters": {
        "zzId": ["Hello world"]