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Is there an Oracle built in function that converts XML to JSON where the XML format varies?

Using Oracle 12.2

Goal: Convert XML data in a CLOB to JSON

Desire: Use built in functionality of Oracle (does it even exist?)

I'm under the impression that Oracle CAN convert the XML to JSON on it's own. However, I am unable to find a straight forward answer or example in SO or Google and have never done something like this so I'm really uncertain how to proceed.

In Python it is 2 lines of code but am trying to put this into a Procedure on Oracle.

I don't have any XSLT files. I say files because looking at some of the historical data in the system I'm seeing 4 different formats of XML used and stored.

Need to pull all of the XML data and push as JSON to another table for testing.

Tried making sense from:

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Updated sample xml to json


Expect direct translation



  • You are not going to find a two-line solution as per python. Instead, you are going to need to parse the XML and generate the JSON. For that you can use XMLTABLE and JSON functions:

    SELECT x2j.json
    FROM   table_name t
             SELECT JSON_OBJECT(
                      KEY 'firstName'       VALUE x.firstName,
                      KEY 'lastName'        VALUE x.lastName,
                      KEY 'favoriteNumbers' VALUE JSON_OBJECT(
                          KEY 'value' VALUE f.favoriteNumbers
                    ) AS json
             FROM   XMLTABLE(
                      PASSING XMLTYPE(t.xml_data)
                        firstName VARCHAR2(200) PATH './firstName',
                        lastName  VARCHAR2(200) PATH './lastName',
                        favoriteNumbers XMLTYPE PATH './favoriteNumbers'
                    ) x
                    CROSS JOIN LATERAL (
                      SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(value) AS favoriteNumbers
                      FROM   XMLTABLE(
                               PASSING x.favoriteNumbers
                                 value NUMBER PATH '.'
                    ) f
           ) x2j

    Which, for the sample data:

    CREATE TABLE table_name (xml_data) AS 
    SELECT '<elementA>
    </elementA>' FROM DUAL;



    Having said that you won't get a 2-line solution like python, you can technically get a 1-line solution in Oracle:

    SELECT x2j.json FROM table_name t CROSS JOIN LATERAL (SELECT JSON_OBJECT(KEY 'firstName' VALUE x.firstName, KEY 'lastName' VALUE x.lastName, KEY 'favoriteNumbers' VALUE JSON_OBJECT( KEY 'value' VALUE f.favoriteNumbers ) ) AS json FROM XMLTABLE( '/elementA' PASSING XMLTYPE(t.xml_data) COLUMNS firstName VARCHAR2(200) PATH './firstName', lastName VARCHAR2(200) PATH './lastName', favoriteNumbers XMLTYPE PATH './favoriteNumbers' ) x CROSS JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(value) AS favoriteNumbers FROM XMLTABLE( '/favoriteNumbers/value' PASSING x.favoriteNumbers COLUMNS value NUMBER PATH '.' ) ) f ) x2j

    But that is just the same query as above with all the white-spaces concatenated. Number of lines of code is not necessarily a helpful metric to measure code by.
