I try to follow the new features for type hinting that came with Python 3.10. I use VSCode with the pylance extension.
For instance I have a methos like this in a class:
def execute(
self, query: str, return_type: str | None = None
) -> pd.DataFrame | list[Any] | None:
Then I get the following seen in the screenshot below:
So, my question is: Is Pylance not yet ready for Python 3.10 when there could be multiple return types or am I doing something wrong?
I found out how to do this propper now.
def execute(self, query: str, return_type: Literal["df"]) -> pd.DataFrame:
def execute(self, query: str, return_type: Literal["list"]) -> list[Any]:
def execute(self, query: str, return_type: Literal["none"]) -> None:
def execute(self, query: str, return_type: str | None = None):