I have tried just about every combination to get the latest ofbiz to compile on Windows. I either get missing dependencies, versions of gradle/groovy/jdk being too old, or too new to work with each other. Does anyone have the secret sauce?
I've spent hours fixing one part only to just have that break another dependency or compatibility with a version of some other part. If someone has a combination that works, or wrote down all the steps they took to get any version of ofbiz working that would be handy as a starting point, so at least I know I'm not just trying to fix from a starting point that will never result in a working system.
What I find amazing is the first time I tried to get it running on a laptop within WSL it just worked, until I tried to work with creating a plugin - using the demo, "gradlew createPlugin -PpluginId=ofbizDemo" would just result in an error.
Many Thanks!
I have just updated the installation instructions in the INSTALL file to reflect the latest requirements for JDK17 instead of JDK11.
With these instructions, you should be able to compile OFBiz trunk.