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How to return json array with PactDslJsonArray in consumer tests?

I'm trying to write a consumer test and the following json array will be my response.

    "additionalInfo": {
      "details": {
        "logo": "German Logo"
    "flagRequired": true,
    "name": "Germany"
    "additionalInfo": {
      "details": {
        "logo": "Dutch Logo"
    "flagRequired": true,
    "name": "Netherlands"

I tried to create a pact like below.

val responseBody = PactDslJsonArray().`object`()

When I run the provider test, it throws the following error message.

1.1) body: $ Expected a List with 1 elements but received 8 elements

What change I need to make in PactDslJsonArray part to return it multiple times? Thank you in advance.

Pact Plugin Version: 4.3.19


  • You will want to use the "like" versions of this for the root object. See

