Search code examples

How do I perform a LEFT JOIN and a LIKE on a field in MongoDB with Mongoose?

I have more than three tables that need to be joined with Mongoose for MongoDB, but each of these tables has a code that could be in different positions. Let me give you an example:

table1 - Code: "13421" (string)
table2 - Code: "42932-13421" (string)
table3 - Code: "()13421" (string)

So, the index code is included in the 'code' field, but it could be in different positions. I already know that in MySql I could handle it with a LIKE:

FROM table1 
LEFT JOIN table2 ON table2.code LIKE %table1.code%
LEFT JOIN table3 ON table3.code LIKE %table1.code%

but with Mongoose, how do I perform a lookup specifically on that field?

I think that something similar should work:

   $lookup: {
     from: 'table2',
       pipeline: [
           $match: {
             $expr: {
               $regexMatch: {
                 input: '$table2.code',
                 regex: { $regex: '.*$$code.*', $options: 'i' }
       as: 'table2'

This is the error from MongoDB:

Error: MongoServerError: An object representing an expression must have exactly one field: { $regex: ".*code.*", $options: "i" }


  • regex expect pattern and not expression, try to change the code to:

        $lookup: {
          from: "table2",
          let: {
            "code1": "$code"
          pipeline: [
              $match: {
                $expr: {
                  $regexMatch: {
                    input: "$code",
                    regex: "$$code1",
                    options: "i"
          as: "table2"