Search code examples

MVC BeginForm returns null

So I've got a partial view which accepts a GeneralViewModel. The GeneralViewModel contains a list of table structures. At the moment it only has one:


public class GeneralViewModel
    public List<Customers> Customers {get; set;}

Let's just say that Customers has some basic fields eg:


public class Customers
    public int CustomerID {get; set;}
    public string CustomerName {get; set;}

I've made the View generic so it can handle any type being passed in (at the moment it's only Customers).


@model MVC.Models.GeneralViewModel

    ViewBag.Title = "Index";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

@section Styles {
    <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/Home.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

//Get the properties of GeneralViewModel
var generalProps = @Model.GetType().GetProperties();}

<div class="container">

    @using (Html.BeginForm("Export", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { app = @Model }))
        <input type="submit" value="Export" />
        <button>Approve Changes</button>
                foreach(var generalProp in @generalProps)
                    //Get the List model within the GeneralViewModel and check if it's got items within there
                    var item = (System.Collections.IList)generalProp.GetValue(@Model);
                    if (item.Count > 0)
                        //Get the properties for the list in this case CustomerID, CustomerName
                        var props = item[0].GetType().GetProperties();
                            @foreach (var prop in props)
                                    //Show either the displayname or field as the header
@((System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(prop, typeof(System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute)) != null ?
                                ((System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(prop, typeof(System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute))).DisplayName : prop.Name)
                        //Loop through the List<Customers>
                        for (int i = 0; i < item.Count; i++)
                                //Loop through the properties of Customers and post it
                                @for(int j = 0; j < props.Count(); j++)
                                    <td><input type="text" value="@props[j].GetValue(item[i], null)" readonly/></td>

The code displays the table correctly but it's just the Export button which doesn't seem to work as intended.


public ActionResult Export(GeneralViewModel table)
    if(table.Customers != null)
        Console.WriteLine("not null");

I used to have foreach loops instead and have changed them to for loops instead as I had found a few places where they stated it must be for loops. Other then that I've seen that the forms have the field hardcoded within the View. For example //Loop through the List<Customers> section would be replaced with:

//Loop through the List<Customers>
for (int i = 0; i < item.Count; i++)
        <td><input type="text" value="item[i].CustomerID" readonly/></td>
        <td><input type="text" value="item[i].CustomerName" readonly/></td>

However this doesn't achieve what I want with GeneralViewModel containing more List models in the future. I know that I can create separate Views for the other models which will be added in the future but it would feel as if I'm just duplicating code.

In the controller what I get when I run it and inspect the table variable is that GeneralViewModel.Customers is null


  • Managed to get it working it was due to input element not having a name field. Also the name field has to be properly assigned according to the structure of the ViewModel.

    So I had switched:

    <td><input type="text" value="@props[j].GetValue(item[i], null)" readonly/></td>


    <td><input type="text" value="@props[j].GetValue(item[i], null)" 
    name="@(generalProp.Name)[@(i)].@props[j].Name" readonly/></td>