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Is there a way to remove files belongs to a partition without physically delete them in iceberg?

there is add_files() to add some files from hive table to iceberg. but cannot find a way to reverse that operation other than drop the table and recreate.

CALL spark_catalog.system.add_files(
table => 'db.tbl',
source_table => 'db.src_tbl',
partition_filter => map('date', '2023-03-16', 'hour', '12')

every thing works expected till this step, but now if i want to add all files belongs to 2023-03-16 now it will complain some files is duplicate.

Cannot complete import because data files to be imported already exist within the target table: 
This is disabled by default as Iceberg is not designed for multiple references to the same file within the same table.  
If you are sure, you may set 'check_duplicate_files' to false to force the import.

obviously don't want to add duplicate either. is there a solution?


  • summary from the community slack thread.