Search code examples

Sql Server Filter specific Row again and again

I have a Table similar that

Product (3000 ROW)

PID PName Counter
1 Something1 0
2 Sub-Some 1
3 Sub-Some 2
4 Sub-Some 3
5 Sub-Some 4
6 Sub-Some 5
7 Something2 0
8 Sub-Some 1
9 Sub-Some 2
10 Sub-Some 3
11 Sub-Some 4
12 Sub-Some 5
13 Sub-Some 6
14 Something3 0
15 Sub-Some 1
16 Sub-Some 2
17 Something4 0
18 Sub-Some 1
19 Something5 0

brief explanation:

The employer agve me the data they have in Excel and I Re-input that like this in SQL

The problem is Counter employer doesn't separate Product and sub-Product

That means the one have Counter = 0 is Product and One have counter != 0 is Sub
**I don't have any Loop Problem **

I want to find and select only sub-product related to the product (like as PID = 1 is Product select Sub from 4 to 6)

I like To fix this problem in SQL server ... I even think to create new column to help separate them

I tried filtering by while Begin and End Break and ... what is wrong?

For given you all the information:
with "[HTTPGET] and where" I show the Client ProductName on the List and get the value of PID that Client Select then pass (the PID) to back and start from this **PID **show unit the next **Counter **0 (break)

I know my Big Question is About SSQL Query but i have a second small problem:
I can't Filter [HTTPPOST] or [HTTPPUT] to get only the PID not the hole info (i use fetch in react to send but can't better get the value on the Back side ... Any keyword to search _

I use SQL server & Web API Core .net6 & React.JS

  1. Get Sub Products of Product per Product (not all at one): SQL Server (Query)
  2. Have answer or keyword to search "how to return one value with post or put with out create table


  • With this query, you can see the list of all sub products with the name code and father product code

    First, the whole product was extracted, and then the children(sub products) were marked based on the father's code(product ), and finally, the father's(product ) name and code were placed next to him

    typeProduct is type product (product,subproduct)

    You can extract a list of children with a simple query

    where typeProduct='Product' and ParentPName='Something1'

    this is final code

    SELECT PID,PName,Counter,iif(Counter=0,'Product','SubProduct') typeProduct
    FROM (
            FROM (
                    SELECT *, 
                    CASE WHEN  Counter=0 THEN  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Counter  ORDER BY PID)
                    ELSE 0  END AS RW
                    FROM #TEST

    this is fiddle:


    PID PName Counter typeProduct ParentPName ParentPID
    1 Something1 0 Product Something1 1
    2 Sub-Some 1 SubProduct Something1 1
    3 Sub-Some 2 SubProduct Something1 1
    4 Sub-Some 3 SubProduct Something1 1
    5 Sub-Some 4 SubProduct Something1 1
    6 Sub-Some 5 SubProduct Something1 1
    7 Something2 0 Product Something2 7
    8 Sub-Some 1 SubProduct Something2 7
    9 Sub-Some 2 SubProduct Something2 7
    10 Sub-Some 3 SubProduct Something2 7
    11 Sub-Some 4 SubProduct Something2 7
    12 Sub-Some 5 SubProduct Something2 7
    13 Sub-Some 6 SubProduct Something2 7
    14 Something3 0 Product Something3 14
    15 Sub-Some 1 SubProduct Something3 14
    16 Sub-Some 2 SubProduct Something3 14
    17 Something4 0 Product Something4 17
    18 Sub-Some 1 SubProduct Something4 17
    19 Something5 0 Product Something5 19