In a spring boot 3 application, I use an Oracle database.
I have a field of type
In db there is 0, 1 and no value.
In java
@Column(name = "privatePhone", columnDefinition = "boolean default false")
private boolean privatePhone = false;
I got an sql exception
at oracle.jdbc.driver.CharCommonAccessor.getBoolean( ~[ojdbc11-]
When i check
class of Oracle driver
boolean getBoolean(int var1) throws SQLException {
String var2 = this.getString(var1);
if (var2 != null && !var2.trim().equals("0") && var2.trim().compareToIgnoreCase("f") != 0 && var2.trim().compareToIgnoreCase("false") != 0 && var2.trim().compareToIgnoreCase("n") != 0 && var2.trim().compareToIgnoreCase("no") != 0) {
if (!var2.trim().equals("1") && var2.trim().compareToIgnoreCase("t") != 0 && var2.trim().compareToIgnoreCase("true") != 0 && var2.trim().compareToIgnoreCase("y") != 0 && var2.trim().compareToIgnoreCase("yes") != 0) {
throw (SQLException)DatabaseError.createSqlException(this.getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(), 59).fillInStackTrace();
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var2 value is empty
how to manage that
Exception you are facing tells that the empty value stored in your char(1)
column does not equal either 0
, or 1
As soon as on Java side you have primitive boolean
field you should adjust your Oracle schema to enable only 1
(or t
etc.) values, e.g.
ALTER TABLE your_table ADD private_phone char(1) DEFAULT '0' CONSTRAINT private_phone_constraint CHECK (private_phone IN ('0', '1'));
Alternatively, if you deal with legacy schema and empty values are already there then you need to implement custom field/column converter, e.g.:
public class BooleanConverter implements AttributeConverter<Boolean, String {
public String convertToDatabaseColumn(Boolean value) {
if (value == null {
return "";
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(value) ? "1" : "0";
public Boolean convertToEntityAttribute(String value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
return "1".equals(value);
Then in your entity you should refactor the field as
@Convert(converter = BooleanConverter.class)
private Boolean privatePhone = false;
P.S. See How do I insert the null value in a Boolean attribute when using Hibernate?