Currently I'm working on a makefile where I want to execute a function based on the fact if the value is present in a predefined list.
test: VALUES=A B C
$(eval FOUND=$(filter $(VALUE),$(VALUES)))
ifneq ($(FOUND),"")
$(call myFunction,arg1,arg2)
# do other things...
Calling the make command as follows:
make VALUE=A test
But for some reason, the call function is never called. My guess is that the FOUND value is only known by the shell, but I have no idea how to get the desired result.
I've tried not using the eval function, and using bash conditional function, but for the later, I cannot call the 'call myFunction' because this is only known by make itself.
You seem to be mixing make
and shell syntax and confusing yourself mightily along the way.
I'm guessing you are looking for something like
ifneq ("$(filter $(VALUE),$(VALUES))","")
call=$$(call myFunction,arg1,arg2)
call=# nothing
$(eval $(call))
Embedding make
functions in a recipe like this is dubious. Probably restrict yourself to shell syntax in recipes unless you know precisely what you are doing.