I have two search using xyseries,so field name of these two search are dynamic and some of these field names are different. now I want to combine these tow search ,and remove the different fields
I use |join -type outer to combine these two search table , but I don't know how to remove the different fields or keep same fields with search 1 in search 2
search 1:
fields aaaa aaa aaAa sjdk
count1 30 20 10 63
search 2:
fields aaaa aaa aaAa sjdk jdiw dwdd
count2 60 10 10 63 43 343
and now my table is like: (using |join type outer)
fields aaaa aaa aaAa sjdk jdiw dwdd
count1 30 20 10 63 count2 60 10 10 63
Is there any method to remove empty column? expect:
fields aaaa aaa aaAa sjdk
count1 30 20 10 63 count2 60 10 10 63
I'm trying use |foreach and |fields - , but it didn't work because I can't get the field name correctly
and I also want to know is there any way to change color by value with it's full dashboard , because fields name are dynamic and I don't want to manual
If I understand correctly, you have some NULL fields after your join
If that is correct, the following should get you at least close:
<search that gets through the `join`>
| stats values(*) as * by <unique fields you know exist>
| fillnull value="-"
stats values(...)
will only include fields for which there is at least one value in the previous events
stats values(...)
will populate a NULL value for events that did not have the field in question - iff it existed with a value in ay event in the set
So follow it up with fillnull
so you know where the fields existed (vs did not exist)