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Comparing object data to multiple example values from pact matcher typescript

I am using pact V3 in typescript to verify a contract with an API. The response example matcher is the following:

const userExample = {
  email: string(""),
  id: number(123)

The actual from the API looks like:

  "email": "",
  "id": 123

When I execute the test:


I get that it is comparing the to the Matcher object instead of the actual example values:

contract:test:     - Expected  - 8
contract:test:     + Received  + 2
contract:test:       Object {
contract:test:     -   "email": Object {
contract:test:     -     "pact:matcher:type": "type",
contract:test:     -     "value": "",
contract:test:     -   },
contract:test:     -   "id": Object {
contract:test:     -     "pact:matcher:type": "number",
contract:test:     -     "value": 123,
contract:test:     -   },
contract:test:     +   "email": "",
contract:test:     +   "id": 123,
contract:test:       }

I can get around this by instead doing:


But I am trying to figure out if there is a way to compare the entire response without having to specify the .value in a separate expect function line for each potential value of the userExample response?

Full test code below:

import { MatchersV3, PactV3 } from "@pact-foundation/pact"

const { like, atLeastOneLike, string, number } = MatchersV3
const provider = new PactV3({
  consumer: "consumer-service",
  provider: "provider-service"

const userExample = {
  email: string(""),
  id: number(123),

test("get users", async () => {
    states: [{ description: "user exists" }],
    uponReceiving: "get users",
    withRequest: {
      method: "GET",
      path: "/users",
    willRespondWith: {
      status: 200,
      body: like({
        users: atLeastOneLike(userExample),

  await provider.executeTest(async (mockserver) => {
    const userServiceClient = new UserServiceClient(mockserver.url)
    const response = await userServiceClient.getUsers()



  • You can use the reify function to do this (previously called extractPayload), to remove the matches from the object.

    This being said:

    const userExample = {
      email: string(""),
      id: number(123),

    is equivalent to

    const userExample = like({
      email: "",
      id: 123,

    That is, a like matcher just matches on types.

    atLeastOneLike is also an extension of this matcher, but for arrays of objects.

    So you could rewrite your test as follows:

    const userExample = {
      email: "",
      id: 123,
    test("get users", async () => {
        states: [{ description: "user exists" }],
        uponReceiving: "get users",
        withRequest: {
          method: "GET",
          path: "/users",
        willRespondWith: {
          status: 200,
          body: like({
            users: atLeastOneLike(userExample),
      await provider.executeTest(async (mockserver) => {
        const userServiceClient = new UserServiceClient(mockserver.url)
        const response = await userServiceClient.getUsers()