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I need help using WHERE, CASE and BETWEEN together in SQL

With the help of google I have gotten the where statement to look like below but the program I am using says it is wrong without telling me what is wrong, and before anyone asks why I am doing what I am doing, the client wants the option to set both ends of the date range to the same date and have it populate with that dates info and just using WHERE BETWEEN was not working with that.


Any help is appreciated.

I have also tried adding additional where clauses such as (where between y1 and y2 OR date=Y1 or date=Y2) but that didn't seem to work ether.


  • The answer is, as it seems: you don't have to. A BETWEEN predicate on two equal values returns the same TRUE/FALSE answer as an equi predicate on the same value once: See this test:

    indata(dt) AS (
              SELECT DATE '2023-04-01'
    UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2023-04-02'
    UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2023-04-03'
    UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2023-04-04'
    UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2023-04-05'
    UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2023-04-06'
    UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2023-04-07'
    UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2023-04-08'
    UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2023-04-09'
    UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2023-04-10'
    srch(fromdt,todt,descr) AS (
              SELECT DATE '2023-04-01',DATE '2023-04-04','range'
    UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2023-04-05',DATE '2023-04-05','equal'
      dt, descr
    FROM indata CROSS JOIN srch
    WHERE dt BETWEEN fromdt AND todt
    ORDER BY descr,dt;
    -- out      dt     | descr 
    -- out ------------+-------
    -- out  2023-04-05 | equal
    -- out  2023-04-01 | range
    -- out  2023-04-02 | range
    -- out  2023-04-03 | range
    -- out  2023-04-04 | range      

    Do I need to comment the test or is it self explanatory?