am trying to reindex in opensearch for large data sets which is around 5gb, since the default timeout of opensearch is 30s , how do we increase the timeout to 5m or 10m
POST _reindex
"source": {
"index": "a"
"dest": {
"index": "b"
since using verion 2.3.0 , "timeout" and request_timeout is not avaliable. any solutions how can increase the time out.
GET _cluster/settings in cluster setting did not find any timeout.
not able to create new template with timeout.
Reindex will continue to run in the background even if it seems to be a timeout. You can check the reindex currently running in the background with the following command.
GET _tasks?actions=*reindex
You can prevent seeing the timeout error with
POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=false
check your index sizes and docs.count to understand what is happening.
GET _cat/indices?v