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Problems executing script files in tauri-app

When running a bat file in tauri-app, a black window will flash past (it looks like a cmd window).

For example line 55, let output = Command::new("cmd").args(["/C", &profile_path, "&", "echo", &env_flag, "&", "set"]).output().expect("process failed to execute");, of this code:

extern crate mount_dir;
extern crate random_string;

use std::env::{set_var};
use std::process::Command;
use std::fs::{remove_dir_all};
use std::path::{Component, Path};
use std::io::{Error, BufRead, BufReader, ErrorKind};

use random_string::generate;

pub fn mount(tpath: &str, lpath: &str, hpath: &str, force: bool) -> Result<bool, Error> {

    if ! Path::new(&tpath).exists() {
        return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::NotFound, format!("[{}] not found", &tpath)));

    if Path::new(&lpath).exists() {
        if force {
            match remove_dir_all(&lpath) {
                Err(e) => return Err(e),
                _ => (),
        } else {
            return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, format!("[{}] already exists", &lpath)));

    let _hpath = format!("{}\\{}", lpath, hpath);

    mount_dir::mount(tpath, lpath, force)?;

    let app_data = format!("{}\\AppData", &_hpath);
    let roaming_app_data = format!("{}\\Roaming", &app_data);
    let local_app_data = format!("{}\\Local", &app_data);
    let temp = format!("{}\\Temp", &local_app_data);

    set_var("TMP", &temp);
    set_var("TEMP", &temp);
    set_var("HOME", &_hpath);
    set_var("HOMEPATH", &_hpath);
    set_var("USERPROFILE", &_hpath);
    set_var("HOMEDRIVE", get_disk(lpath));
    set_var("APPDATA", &roaming_app_data);
    set_var("LOCALAPPDATA", &local_app_data);
    set_var("PORTABLE_DESKTOP_ENV_LINK_PATH", &lpath);
    set_var("PORTABLE_DESKTOP_ENV_TARGET_PATH", &tpath);

    let mut profile_path = format!("{}\\.profile.cmd", &_hpath);
    if ! Path::new(&profile_path).exists() {
        profile_path = format!("{}\\.profile.bat", &_hpath);
    if Path::new(&profile_path).exists() {
        let env_flag = format!(".env.{}.tmp", generate(32, "1234567890"));
        let output = Command::new("cmd").args(["/C", &profile_path, "&", "echo", &env_flag, "&", "set"]).output().expect("process failed to execute");
        let reader = BufReader::new(&*output.stdout);
        let mut is_env = false;
        for line in reader.lines() {
            let l = line.unwrap();
            if ! is_env {
                if env_flag.eq(l.trim()) {
                    is_env = true;
            match l.trim().split_once('=') {
                Some((key, value)) => {
                    set_var(key, value);
                None => ()

    return Ok(true);

pub fn unmount(link: &str) -> bool {
    return mount_dir::unmount(link);

fn get_disk(path: &str) -> &str {
    match Path::new(path).components().next().unwrap() {
        Component::Prefix(prefix_component) => {
            return prefix_component.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
        _ => unreachable!(),

mod it_works {
    use super::*;
    use std::env;

    fn test_for_mount() {
        assert_eq!(mount(env::current_dir().unwrap().as_path().to_str().unwrap(), "T:\\work", "home", true).unwrap(), true);

    fn test_for_unmount() {
        assert_eq!(unmount("T:\\work"), true);

Is there any solution for this problem?


  • This answer is in line with my expectations. I think that it should be that the description of the question I asked is not clear enough to get help; Thanks again @Mofi , I found this satisfactory answer based on the idea of CreateProcess you provided, thank you again.