I am trying to retrieve a field from my multi-dimensional array that has been persisted in database.
The array looks like this:
$valid = [
"technical" => [
"sender" => [
"uid" => "first.last",
"date" => new \DateTime(),
"recipient" => 75306
"receiver" => []
and I would like to be able to retrieve my entity "Valid" in SQL with Doctrine if the field technical.sender.recipient equals $unity.
return $this->createQueryBuilder('r')
->where('valids.technical.sender.recipient IN (:unity)')
->setParameter('unity', $unity)
Unfortunately, I can't get this value because Symfony warns me that : Class App\Entity\Valid has no field or association named technical.sender.recipient
My persisted array looks like this (longtext field):
a:1:{s:9:"technical";a:2:{s:6:"sender";a:4:{s:3:"uid";s:10:"first.last";s:4:"date";O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:26:"2023-05-02 09:47:39.229914";s:13:"timezone_type";i:3;s:8:"timezone";s:13:"Europe/Berlin";}s:9:"recipient";i:75306;}s:8:"receiver";a:0:{}}}
I tried to select the field directly with this notation and also using partials but it did not work.
Solved it by converting my array field to json type and using DoctrineJsonFunctions.
Looks like this now and perfectly working :
return $this->createQueryBuilder('r')
->andWhere('JSON_EXTRACT(valids.valids, :jsonPath) = :unity')
->setParameter('jsonPath', '$.technical.sender.recipient')
->setParameter('unity', intval($unity))