I have a dataframe where I have data such as domicile
, age
, gender
, etc.
I want to create a pivot table where it shows the state-wise gender distribution of the respondents. So I wrote the following line of code
table = pd.pivot_table(sample_df, values = ["gender"], index = ["domicile_state"], columns = ["gender"], aggfunc = np.count)
However, this shows an error that numpy doesn't have any function called count.
If I use np.sum
instead of np.count
, it just adds all the male/female responses end to end, something like MaleMaleMale...
. So it's obviously doing string operations.
However, if I remove the aggfunc
, I get an error Grouper for 'gender' not 1-dimensional
So basically I want a table like
domicile | gender | count |
A Male 12
female 14
B Male 16
Female 10
I don't have any other column with that name, So I don't understand what is the issue.
np.count -> 'count'
pd.pivot_table(sample_df, values=["gender"], index=["domicile_state"], columns=["gender"], aggfunc='count')