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Will a column be dropped if I deleted it from information_schema.columns?

I use Postgres 14. I know about ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN. But this option doesn't really work in my case.

Are these two queries equal:

ALTER TABLE <some_table_1>
    DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS <column_1>,
    DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS <column_2>;
ALTER TABLE <some_table_2>
    DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS <column_1>,
    DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS <column_2>;


DELETE FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name IN (<some_table_1>, <some_table_2>)
AND column_name IN (<column_1>, <column_2>)

Or ALTER TABLE does some extra work? I want to use DELETE FROM because I really need filters like WHERE in columns deletion.


  • You cannot DELETE rows from any view in the information schema. That would be nonsense for multiple reasons. For the record, views in the information schema are not part of the system catalogs. But you don't mess with system catalogs directly, either - even if that might be possible. One false move and you can break your database (cluster). Use dedicated DDL commands.

    You are looking for dynamic SQL - which can be based on either: information schema or system catalogs. Each has pros and cons. See:

    My implementation uses system catalogs:

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.my_column_drop(_tbls text[]
                                                    , _cols text[]
                                                    , _schema text = 'public')
      LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
       _tbl regclass;
       _drops text;
       FOR _tbl IN
          SELECT c.oid
          FROM   pg_catalog.pg_class c
          WHERE  c.relkind = 'r'  -- only plain tables (?)
          AND    c.relnamespace = _schema::regnamespace
          AND    c.relname = ANY (_tbls)
       -- more filters HERE
       -- RAISE NOTICE '%', _tbl;
          SELECT INTO _drops
                 string_agg(format('DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS %I', a.attname), ', ')
          FROM   pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
          WHERE  a.attrelid = _tbl
          AND    a.attname = ANY (_cols)
          AND    NOT a.attisdropped
          AND    a.attnum > 0
       -- more filters HERE
          IF _drops IS NOT NULL THEN
          -- RAISE NOTICE '%',  concat_ws(' ', 'ALTER TABLE', _tbl, _drops);
             EXECUTE concat_ws(' ', 'ALTER TABLE', _tbl, _drops);
             RAISE NOTICE 'Table % has no candidate columns', _tbl;
          END IF;
       END LOOP;


    CALL public.my_column_drop ('{some_table_1,some_table_2}', '{column_1, column_2}');

    The attempt to drop columns fails if there are any dependencies. My simple function does not check for those. You would have to define what to check for, and what to do in case of dependencies ...

    Procedures were added with Postgres 11. You can do the same with a function in older versions. Or with a DO command for one-off use in any version. See:

    Basics for this kind of dynamic SQL:

    Adding IF EXISTS seems like overkill after we checked that the column exists. Only makes sense if multiple transactions might manipulate columns concurrently, which seems like an extremely odd case.